Sabtu, 10 September 2016

Jacket Launching Process

Alright guys, in this article I am going to share about one of the important process that Marine Engineer do is Launching. In this article I didn't talk about the specific of analysis that Marine Engineer calculates, I just want to share about the scheme of Jacket launching Process. So first I will explain the general description of this Jacket Installation Project, where did this Jacket Launching Process placed on Installation Process at all. this picture below will explain to how this project work.

Jacket Launch Project Scheme

after Jacket was fabricated in the yard which is in the land, the Load Out process will be held to place the Jacket on the barge. the jacket will be load out using wheel vehicle from Land to skid way in the barge. after jacket already on the top barge then sea fastening will be performed to this jacket to tie jacket to the barge. then Tug Boat will pull the barge and directing the barge to the position that we want to launch the jacket. After jacket being launched, then Installation Process will be held.

Second I will explain the barge that we use to launch this jacket. The picture below will make you understand about the parts in the barge ship it self.

Barge Picture.
after we understand this big picture i will explain the Jacket Launching Process. So to Simplify this process I will explain it by using Scheme. there are 4 big step that we should understand in this process.
  1. The launch barge is equipped with skid ways and rocker arms at bow. Prior launching operation, the launching barge is trimmed in order to lower the bow.
  2. Jacket is pulled towards launching direction till it start sliding above launch skids
  3. Combination of the pull and/or the gravity will then push the jacket to slide toward rocker arm. When the jacket center of gravity is above the rocker arm pin, jacket begin tilting but remains guided by rocker arms (tilting stage)
  4. The sliding continues until jacket and launch barge are separated. In separation stage, jacket dives into water and oscillates until its natural equilibrium position.

ok guys thats a short knowledge that i could share for you guys, I am sorry for my bad english hope you enjoy this article. thanks !

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